Our PAC 20250 KeyPAC Tokens are used for reliable access control. Compatible with the Oneprox reader range and operating at 125KHz frequency, they also offer a range of 1 million code combinations. These tokens are an alternative to the traditional mechanical keys and can be easily attached to keyrings and lanyards.
- Sold in packs of 10
- Compatible with Oneprox reader range
- Operates at 125KHz frequency
Our PAC 20250 KeyPAC Tokens are used for reliable access control. Compatible with the Oneprox reader range and operating at 125KHz frequency, they also offer a range of 1 million code combinations. These tokens are an alternative to the traditional mechanical keys and can be easily attached to keyrings and lanyards.
- Sold in packs of 10
- Compatible with Oneprox reader range
- Operates at 125KHz frequency
Access Control
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